By Victoria Camarena November 6, 2022
This article is part of CHS Journalism's series about clubs at Centerville High School. If you have a CHS club/program you'd like an article written about, mail us at or use the form at the bottom!
Women’s Empowerment Club at CHS is run by Julia Wasik. The meaning of the club is so anyone can come and talk about women’s issues! Recently CHS Women's Empowerment club has started a project called the ¨Period Project¨. The goal of this project is to provide free period products in each bathroom at Centerville High School. The benefit of this project is to provide hygienic necessities to those who need period products. ¨Period products should, in theory, be as accessible as other bathroom necessities, such as toilet paper¨ says the president Julia Wasik of the Women's Empowerment club. This project will also help with the stigma revolving around periods and period products.
Women should not have to pay for something they cannot control. These products should be free to anyone with periods and that is what the Women Empowerment club is focusing on. They want to have period products accessible to anyone and everyone with a period.
On average period pads cost around $7 and tampons $6. In one box of pads, there are 15 pads, women would use about 84 pads a year which is 6 packs of pads, adding up the cost it would be $42 a year. It would cost about the same for tampons per year. Most women buy both tampons and pads each year meaning they spend over $80 on necessary products. Period products have become increasingly expensive; the average price of tampons has risen by 10.8% and pads, by 8.9%. Periods are not something women can control so why must we pay for something that is necessary?
How can you help the Period Project? A way to help is just by spreading the word about the Period Project. Donating any period products you have or buy and adding them to the baskets in the bathroom at Centerville High School is also appreciated. Another way to help is by starting your own period project in local park bathrooms!
During Spirit fest, Women Empowerment Club raised 291 dollars for the period project as 20% was donated to Spirit Chain. If you have any questions or want to help the cause come to the Women Empowerment Club. They engage in meaningful discussions about women's issues and meetings are every other Wednesday in South 272!
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